Whether the day is dedicated to a group of private individuals who want to have fun pushing on the gas of their vehicles, whether it be the most excited official Race event, the problem always arises of how to manage all the various more or less serious problems that can occur in a race track.
EM Motorsport developed EFS software which is able to help managing every situation. With an easy to use Interface, the operator can accurately determine the most suitable solution for the situations on the track. Specific sectors or the entire track can be set with warning or danger flags such as:
Yellow flag, Oil flag, Safety Car Deployed, Virtual Safety Car, Red flag, etc.
EFS Software is created to have in real time complete control over the track status and the system components.
This software is able to manage different circuit configurations. By selecting the desired configuration, EFS will automatically define the track sectors and the Light panels to be used.
This characteristic and the functionalities of the EFS Server open also to the ability of managing two events at the same time (the circuit configurations must not share part of the track at the same time).
Whatever the request is to display a sector flag or inform all the drivers of a critical situation around the circuit or start a race or even communicating to a single driver of a problem with the vehicle, EFS is the right tool.
Thanks to the integration with various Timing software, EFS is able to receive session status, Laps remaining, Time countdown and many other information very useful to Race Control operators.